On Sun, 17 Sep 2000, Andrew Koepke wrote:
> I've go a USR Courier V-everything internal modem.  I had some problems with
> setting it up, but finally got them resolved.  In KPPP, the highest volume
> setting doesn't work because the modem doesn't recognize the command for
> setting that volume.  However, the lower volume level works fine.

In KPP ==> Setup ==> Modem ==> Modem Commands 
Change the value in the bottom-most right-ost field from M1L4 to M1L3
Had the same problem with my old USR, did not recognize L4.


Ron the Frog, on the banks of the Paraguay River.
  Sodd's Second Law:                                                         
  Sooner or later, the worst possible set of circumstances is bound to occur.
              ---  http://personales.conexion.com.py/~rolgiati  ---

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