markOpoleO wrote:
> The question is the Subject..why do they only have 0-3 when most modems I
> have installed have more the 4 "com" ports in there a way i can
> add ttyS4 so linux reconizes it?  I saw it listed in /dev but does not show
> up i ppp modem setup.
> markOpoleO


I assume you are coming from a windows environment

Things are just a little bit different and normally
number from 0 (zero) and up

Linux also has four (and even more) ports.
They are number 0 to 3 which is the same as 1 to 4

Remember  Com1 = ttyS0
          Com2 = ttyS1
          Com3 = ttyS2
and       Com4 = ttyS3

Does this help??
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