Joan Tur wrote:
> Hallo (again!)!  8-)
> There's something wrong with licq or some dependencies.  It installed
> well without beeing forced to do so, but i open a terminal window and
> launch it from there.  It works fine, but when i try to change from
> "online" to "away" (for instance) it shuts down and the following is
> showed in the terminal window:
> Licq Segmentation Violation Detected.
> Backtrace:
> [0x8092f6c]
> /usr/lib/qt2/lib/
> [0x405d28ca]
> [(nil)]
> Attempting to generate core file.
> I have no idea.  I have reinstalled Mandreke7.1 deleting the old install
> and it worked fine before...  8-(
> Thanks!
> --
> Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain

I had the same problem with licq and gave it away - I now use
GTKicq - that works like a dream. Only exception I found is
that it appears that it will register a new icq# but seems
that the Icq member database ignores you from then on.

I had to re-generate a number from the windows version for
one setup before it would be recognised.


ICQ# 89345394     Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
And 23:59:59 ahead of most of the rest of the world

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