Well, yes and no.

Since pine relies on only the local mailbox in
the Linux mail spool, which only works with either
internal network mail or with a static ip domain
thing, it is not set up to talk to a pop server,
but I thikn there is a little app or daemon
called fetchmail?? I think, that does talk
to the pop server that you specify and it
I think, puts the mails from the pop server
into the local mail spool on your machine,
therefore making it retreivable by pine.

Any other comments or corrections 

Hope this helps.

Vic (Not Charley)

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> OK
> Since nobody answered my first post does this mean I can't use Pine
> with a dialup connection?
> Ralph
> On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, Ralph Lambert wrote:
> > Where can I find information about setting up Pine with a dialup
> > connection.  I am assuming that it can be done since I have seen
> > th echeckbox forr using a slow connection.
> > 
> > Thanks in advance.
> > 
> > Ralph
> > 
> > 
> > PS Where is my LM serial number so I can properly register?

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