On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Vic wrote:

> Well, yes and no.
> Since pine relies on only the local mailbox in
> the Linux mail spool, which only works with either
> internal network mail or with a static ip domain
> thing, it is not set up to talk to a pop server,

Well, errr, this is not true....
You can define your inbox path (in the setup menu or in your ~/.pinerc
file) as beeing :

And, of course, this works as well with POP3.

> but I thikn there is a little app or daemon
> called fetchmail?? I think, that does talk
> to the pop server that you specify and it
> I think, puts the mails from the pop server
> into the local mail spool on your machine,
> therefore making it retreivable by pine.
Yes. Fetchmail is another alternative to do nearly the same work.
The difference is that you can retrieve mail from several remote mailbox
with fetchmail (I don't think it's possible with pine. Please, if it IS
possible, tell me how. It would help me.)


> > 
> > Since nobody answered my first post does this mean I can't use Pine
> > with a dialup connection?

I don't know how it works, but I know that you can have diald
automagically connecting you to the internet as soon as any program needs


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