I have ME on one of the computers here and it sucks something fierce.  I
had in mind three reasons for using WinME:

1.  The new mpg encoding
2.  Driver updates so I wouldn't have to search around for them
3.  The registry roll back feature.  

It just completely fails on 3 -- I get a damn dll error everytime I try
to roll it back.  2. isn't really that compelling a reason to have it. 
And 1.  ... well I haven't used 1 yet but I can't imagine it not
crashing by the time the movie is done being encoded.  Same old MS ...
all feature no stability.

"Kelly, Christopher" wrote:

> Now, I know some people who use ME and think that it works just fine. Maybe
> your friend is having some configuration problems...Just a guess.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Doug McGarrett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 12:13 AM
> Subject: Re: [newbie] Dual-boot question
> No, you DO NOT want to install ME on anything.  It is
> far inferior to W98 by everybody who has tried it, and
> it crashes frequently.  Don't just take my word for it,
> check Consumer Reports and the info at ZDnet or whatever
> the correct name is.  One of my compadres at work has
> decided to put ME on his machine. He said it crashed a
> lot. He was unable to even boot the machine today!  I
> can't believe that MS was so stupid as to create this
> mess, but they did.  MS may be inept, but they're very
> seldom stupid.
> --doug, wa2say
> At 07:55 09/19/2000 -0400, you wrote:
> >Greetings on this rainy Tuesday in New Jersey,
> >
> >Quick question. I am running 7.1 on a 4gig hard drive. I would like to add
> >another hard drive and install Windows ME on the other one. Can I dual-boot
> >between two hard drives?? If so, has this created any problems?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Chris Kelly
> >Registered Linux user 185775
> >

Larry Hignight          Descent 3 Beta tester          Caldera Linux 2.4
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