How did you partition the drive? I haven't heard of it failing to install
the bootloader before but it might if /boot wasn't in a usable spot. It
should still make floppies though. Did you try killing all your partitions
with fdisk (Linux or DOS) and then installing?

Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sungod robes
 on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little
pickles at you? -- Real Genius

On Fri, 22 Sep 2000, Phillip L. Gillis wrote:

> Hey,
> I did a reinstall of 7.1 since I wanted a "fresh" copy after my initial learning 
>experiences. Anyway, I did a Development box custom install and everything seemed to 
>be going good as usual ( I already knew all of my settings since I had just had an 
>install going ) . .anyway after the installer loaded my selected packages - all 100% 
>of them - it went to the section where it creates a floppy . .it failed in creating 
>the floppy . .no matter what I did, it failed. So I cancelled the making of the 
>floppy and it went to the bootloader section for Grub an Lilo . .last time I didn't 
>really have to do anything here but keep the defaults and it flew like a charm . 
>.this time, NOTHING would let it create the bootloader. It kept saying Lilo failed 
>and would return to the same dialog box . over and over again.
> It ultimately continued until I just rebooted from the boot floppy that came with 
>the 7.1 purchase and tried again . .this failing process continued to happen about 3 
>more times. I started thinking maybe since I had an install a few hours earlier on 
>the drive that maybe I should just bleem it then try to reinstall Linux. Did the 
>previous install do something to the drive that is preventing a new install of Linux 
>from happening properly? What should I do?
> I used an install of Win2K to now partition and reformat the drive. I went ahead and 
>installed Win2K just to test my theory and went back to  Linux to install on a 
>partition that Win2K made. This time, everything on the Linux installed went fine 
>under a workstation / custom install except I couldn't get my NIC working ( this is 
>what I originally did and it was silk ) . but I am sure I botched that up in the conf 
>. .anyway . .I intend on going back and zapping the drive again because I don't want 
>Win 2K on it and want the whole 15GB to learn Linux or I may do a multiboot, but my 
>question really is did the first install of Linux do something to the drive that the 
>second install would not clear up? My problem seemed with not being able to write the 
>boot floppy and bombing on the Grub / Lilo went away after Windows reformatted the 
>drive? Am I missing something . Linux is new to me but I need out of Win32 in a bad 
>way . . any comments would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Phil

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