It's my experience that pre-built systems are loaded so full of crap when
you buy them, it's surprising they run at all.

When friends of mine buy pre-built comps ( against my advice of couse  :) ),
I always just format the HD, re-install windoze, and then install just the
software they want.

I've actually benchmarked this with ZDBoP's suite of benchmarks, and seena
10-15% improvement.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 6:26 AM
Subject: [newbie] Is it my imagination or------

> Hello Linuxers.
> I just wondered, am I imagining it or do hand-built
> systems tend to run better than a pre-built
> PC bought at like either "?triangle" or
> "?Best Buy" or something of that ilk?
> I noticed for myself that my hand-built system
> seems to run better than my roommate's
> pre-built system.

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