Put your question up, hopefully with sufficient information, and anyone 
that has help to give will.  In my own case, as a former computer technician, 
I tend to answer hardware questions and leave the others.  I learn by reading 
the proposed solutions and e-mails marked SOLVED (whatever the problem was).  
I delete anything I'm not interested in, such as isolated questions.  We're 
all volunteers here, but with over 3000 of us, and given the background of 
some of the people, there is quite a knowledge base here.  
    Now if I knew more of the abbreviations like TIA....   -Gary-

In a message dated 9/29/2000 10:38:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
<< Hey all I was just wondering who answers these questions we all ask because
 ive read some I could help answer but NOT sure if I can.
   Can anybody that knows the answer respond. I have a question about security
 if I dont use linux for the internet only windows do I still have to disable
 my ports in the inetd.conf.file.

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