>  I set a seperate home partition, and I set it to 500mi. It sounded like a
>  good idea at the time. Now, can I shrink it to 50mi 

If you have no data and/or have no programs of your own that you run from your
home directory, I suppose you could.  I guess I would wonder what you use your
computer for as the home directory is where all the results go :-)

>  and if I can what should I do with the extra space?

A very good question.  Why do you want to shrink your home directory?  Is some
other partition short on space?

>  I know how to mount it but not how to mount it as
>  something useful like /bin or /usr without loseing whatevers in there.

I doubt you'd want to make a new partition.  Rather, you'd just want to move
the space from one partition to another one.  Thus, no mounting changes would
need take place.  You would have to use something like Partition Magic to move
the disk space though.  For what it's worth, I have nearly 2gigs of data,
scripts and control files in my home directory.  If I had more space that's
exactly where I'd put it.

Cheers -- Larry

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