>  > It seems like by leveraging perl or python and the rpmfind.net mechanism we
>  > could build an infrastructure to capture all this know-how and create "guru"
>  > utilities that formally gather and try all the diagnostics gleaned from

Simple text parsers are easy...idea parsers (find the how to information) are
much more complex and their design goes well beyond being a programmer and
enter the field of AI.  You're talking about extracting information from casual
conversations and that's even harder than doing it from organized information.

>  > I would really like to try to do something this.  However, I have zero time
>  > and zero experience with perl/python - but if anyone else thinks this is
>  > interesting and would like to talk about how this might be done I'd like to
>  > persue this a little more.  Maybe there is something like this already...

All I can offer are wishes of good luck.  I'd suggest you start by reading
anything you can get your hands on regarding linguistic interpretation,
knowledge database generation, and thought processing.

Cheers --- Larry

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