>  How 'bout just using the Mandrake sites existing digests...don't they already
>  have tons of info in text format, easy to search by keyword? Just a thought.

Keyword searches are generally not sufficient to yield up true answers to
questions.  All the do is generate a bunch of stuff you can look at and build
"knowledge" with by your own means.  This, in fact, is the basis of my original
response that text parsing is easy; information parsing is more difficult

The problem with keywords is that you need to know what you're looking for and
very often the nature of the problem MEANS that you don't know the keywords.

"How do I get access to my DOS drive?"

might be a question about how to "cd /mnt/windows", how to modify fstab so that
Linux mounts it, or it may mean the guy wants to reboot to Windows but Lilo
won't let him.  Since he's asking a basic question its doubtful that he'd know
either "cd", "fstab", or "Lilo" to do a search and there's not much in the
question to provide an indicator of the problem unless the search engine
"knows" a lot of Linux.  This is the sort of engine that Michael is talking
about and it's a far cry from the standard "find" command.

Cheers --- Larry

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