alright, well, I was cooking just fine until i screwed
something up and now it seems that the password has
been changed for 'root'. Is there any way of changing
or correcting the root password IF you don't know what
it is to begin with? Currently, I can only access
'single' init. The X system won't start for some

--- Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If ya have any questions about what certain services
> are just
> ask. Generally a home machine will want about a
> dozen things running but
> you should try doing a port scan on your machine to
> make sure you don't
> have a lot of weird ports open. Using tcp wrappers
> is at least as
> important as shutting down unused services. Also
> most of the worst danger
> services are in inetd so edit those out.
> If you screw your Linux box you can always (usually,
> unless you go totally
> psycho w/ security) use 'single' as an argument to
> lilo or grub and it'll
> put you into 'save your ass' mode even if you can't
> do a normal login.
> *^*^*^*
> Have the courage to take your own thoughts
> seriously, for they will shape
> you. -- Albert Einstein

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