Thanks to everyone for their advice.  I got partition magic, and yes, I did 
have some errors in the reported sizes of my partitions.  However, 
Mandrake  STILL does not seem satisfied with the partition table, and won't 
read it.  Meaning, it still asks me to 'blank out' bad portions.
Corel installed fine, with no problems.
To clear up any confusion, I was running RedHat 6.1, but something has went 
horribly wrong with it, because I was getting core segmentation faults 
every time I tried to run LinuxConf.  However, I'm not real happy with 
Corel's distro either.  I was pretty comfortable in RedHat, but I want 
something with more GUI configuation tools, like Corel or Mandrake.
Mandrake's installer says the error is coming from my extended 
partition.  Since I have my ext partition divided into 4 logical FAT 
partitions, could this be causing the error?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
-Jesse Farmer

At 10:31 AM 10/14/00 -0400, you wrote:

>I just got Mandrake 7.1 for $20 at Best Buy.  Partition Magic was
>easy enough for this dummy to use.
>On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, Jesse Farmer wrote:
> > Hi everyone.
> > I am trying to install mandrake 7.0. Currently I have RedHat 6.1 on my
> > system, which I am tired of, and want to try this distro. However, the
> > Mandrake installer says that my partition table is corrupted, and that it
> > can't read it. It then prompts me that it will "blank out" the bad sectors
> > if I press ok. If I press cancel, it goes to Disk Druid, or whatever
> > partition program Mandrake uses.

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