Dear Ricardo

I have a Toshiba satellite 4090 XCDT and finally I have reached to install
the Mandrake 7.1. I had no problems to install the 7.0 version, but the 7.1
was more difficult I do not know wy; the way to install is in text mode
installation, that means, when the installation CD show you the first
screen, you must type F1 and then write text; Mandrake 7.1 recognized the
Trident Cyber 9525 and when you restart the computer everything is OK.
I had problems with the PCMCIA, but you must go to the Bios SETUP and put
the PCMCIA not in Automatic but in the first option.

I had not tryied to install the winmodem because a external modem run

So, the solution is the installation in text mode; I had the problem of bad
installation in graphic mode with the Mandrake 7.1 not only with my laptop,
also with other computers and in all cases when linux try to start the X the
graphic screen shut down and appears the text linux screen. I have solved
the problem in two ways:
1) installation in text mode
2) installation from windows, putting the CD on the CD-ROM driver and it
starts automatically and you select complet installation.

I hope this help you, now mi laptop works fine with linux

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

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