>     Would it also give this method if it were trying to install when the 
> program was already there?  I had a similar error and guessed that to be the 
> cause.  -Gary-

I just finished suggesting that and I think you're right.  It's unclear to
me why this program is stuck in /usr/local/Acrobat4 rather than in
/usr/local/bin as it really makes it clumsy to operate it.  

This is one of the things I really DON'T like about Linux and rpms.  You
give up control over application location and there doesn't seem to be any
adherence to any standard locations on the part of the distros or by the
app developers.  I've heard that there's a set of "Linux standard
base" (I think) but I don't see much evidence of it.

Cheers --- Larry     

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