> This is probably a silly question but how do you get the g++ compiler to 
> work ?  Im not getting any errors Im just not sure how to use the program. 

You execute "g++ great_program.cpp" from the commandline.  For any
programming project other than something trivial, though, you'll likely
call it from a makefile.  "How do you use make", you ask.  I recommend
that you get a basic book on C++ programming and it'll discuss some of
this stuff.  The specifics of GNU make can be had either via web site
descriptions, the OReilly Press book on using GNU tools or by digging
through the man pages on these tools.  You can call all this stuff from
tools like emacs as well   

> Im going to college in january and would like to get a head start on 
> things. Im using mandrake 7.0. My prefered environment is enlightenment.

Then start reading and compiling some of the examples.

Cheers --- Larry

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