On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, Bombardier Systems Consulting wrote:
> More on my problem.
> I have just installed MDK 7.1 (sorry I didn't mention this initially)
> This is what I have done.
> Basic Host Information
> Host name + domain = linux.myNTserverdomain name
> Adaptor1 = enabled DHCP, net device = dummy0, kernel module = 3c574-TX, Irq=10, all 
>other fields blank
> Name server specifications (DNS)
> DNS is required for normal operation (selected)
> default domain =
> IP of name server 1 = same DNS address that I use in my other boxes
> IP of name server 2 = same DNS address that I use in my other boxes
> IP of name server 3 = same DNS address that I use in my other boxes
> all other fields blank
> Routing and gateways
> Set defaults = enable routing(selected) and Default gateway =
> I have not done anything with the other NETCONF options
> I then exit out of that and it brings up the "status of the system" box and under 
>"preview what has to be done" it 
tells me to execute /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S10network reload...and when I do that it
come back with the error "Bringing up the device dummy0 Can't find a dhcp
client" > 

  Sounds like you did an automatic install under Mandrake.  The automatic
install does not install the dhcp client.  You had to do that manually.  You
give no indication of which (if any) Window Manager you use so:
     Login as root
     put the initial installation cd in the cdrom drive.  
     From the command line type 'cd /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS'
     Then type 'rpm -i dhcp-client-3.0b1pl12-4mdk.i586.rpm'
     Then type 'shutdown -r now'

I how this works (it did for me).

D.M.(Mike) Mattix

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