I have installed LM 7.0 on my computer and am dual booting with win98. I am
having trouble with the partition table. I have a 23g harddrive. I first
setup the new drive with the Maxtor setup disk. I created one 21. something
gig partition (what the drive ended up being after being formatted) and
installed windows 98. I then booted with the LM 7.0 disk and re-sized my
windows partition to 4 gig. I created a 10Mb /boot partition, a 4g /
partition, and a 250Mb swap partition. I made the remaining approximately
13g partition a fat32 partition. I also have a second harddrive. It is a
6gig drive that is set up as a fat32 primary partition.

My problem: when I boot into windows the 13g partition is only seen as a 9g
partition. I ran scandisk and set the options to automatically fix errors.
It finished (MUCH later) with no errors. The partition is still only seen as
9g. (I can write files to this partition while in windows) If I boot into
Linux, I show errors, while booting, that hda8 has wrong fs type, bad block,
or too many mounted file systems. Then on my KDE desktop I can see the icon
for hda8 is different than the icon for hdc1. The hda8 partition is
obviously not mounted at boot and therefore I am getting the icon that
symbolizes the unmounted partition. What happened to my other 4 g?

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