Here are several reasons why WINE is a better solution to VMware when it 
comes to gaming. Before you start criticising me you all should know that I 
own a copy of VMware and have used it extensively. I haven't used WINE much, 
but I have read a lot about it, especially in the past few days.

1. VMware requires you to install a full version of the operating system you 
wish to use. Dreja Julag (the originator of this thread) has stated, "I only 
have room for one OS," so that instantly rules VMware out in this case.

2. Emulating an *entire* OS is very resource intensive, and the resulting 
virtual machine's speed is about half that of the real thing (depending on 
how much RAM you have -- I have 256MB). Unless you have a very powerful 
machine, it is likely that the emulation will take up so much resources that 
you cannot do much else. WINE, on the other hand, only emulates those 
functions that you need (e.g. it doesn't load M$IE even when you don't want 

3. WINE has been proven to be capable of running such complex games as Unreal 
Tournament and Starcraft, among others. I have read very favourable reviews 
of recent builds in the Linux online press. Don't base judgements of WINE on 
old builds.

4. WINE runs better if it can access a copy of WinDOS. This may not help in 
Dreja's case, but it may help others.

5. This point is especially important for games. VMware does not support 
DirectX. DirectX allows a game to bypass the OS and access the hardware 
directly. This cannot be done efficiently in a virtual machine.

I'm sure there are other reasons as well that I can't think of at the moment, 
but this should do.

One thing, Dreja, are you sure that you cannot install a version of Linux on? 
I have an installation of Linux with *everything* I'd ever need (both GNOME 
and KDE2, word processor, Netscape 4, Mozilla M18, etc.) in under 600Mb! And 
that can be easily be cut down. If this is still too big then you could try a 
distro that is designed for small installations or one that stores itself in 
a compressed virtual partition. Another solution is DemoLinux 
(, which runs almost totally off a CD. Is Mandrake 
really the distro for you?

On Wed, 25 Oct 2000 14:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> you would be surprised how well www.(whatever your
> lookingfor).(com/net/org/etc.) works

Sridhar Dhanapalan
        "One World, One Web, One Programme" - Microsoft Promotional Ad.
        "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer" - Adolf Hitler

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