On Friday 27 October 2000 05:46 am, you wrote:
> Are particular RPMs better for Mandrake?
  http://www.rpmdp.org/rpmbook/   will answer your questions, might 
even turn you into a rpm guru ;)
     Short answer is you can use any rpm on Mandrake as long as you 
understand the possible difficulties and how to work around them 
(ie, the link above).
    Most of the time it's better to use Mandrake rpms on Mandrake.
I believe the problem most seem to have is finding them. For this 
there's many resources.  I look on the mirrors in the current 
version (/7.1/), the current beta (/7.2beta/), and the /contrib/ and 
/cooker/ dirs.  There's always 'rpmfind' or go to rpmfind.net. Many 
times I can find -mdk rpms with an ftp search when everything else 
fails.  I use  http://ftpsearch.lycos.com/?form=medium   customized 
to list by size,date and exclude BSD files.  There's also 
http://www.freezer-burn.org/   I've also never had any problems with 
'generic' rpms, ie those which are specific to a small program from 
that apps website.  I usually look to see where the rpm is gonna 
install, whether it's relocatable, other info, etc., before I 
install it tho.  Type 'rpm -qpil <rpm>' to do this.

> I have done some work with Redhat and it always
> seemed like you had to use their RPMs. Example,
> if you downloaded the latest Apache server from
> apache.org, installed it, then downloaded the
> RPM from Redhat and installed you would end up
> with Apache installed in two different locations.
> Perl was a complete nightmare, and you always
> had to sit around a wait for the RPM to be created
> after a new stuff was released (and no dups)
> Does Mandrake require a particular approach? Are
> there Mandrake RPMs that install to Mandrake
> defined dirs as opposed to Redhat defined dirs?
> Thanks for insights...
> Justin Write
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Tom Brinkman        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Galveston Bay

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