On Tuesday 31 October 2000 05:10 pm, you wrote:
> I'm a very-newbie, but the command is kill and the Process
> IDentification argument is the number listed to the left of the
> offending process when you type "top".  So, if the CPU hog was
> listed as process 17, you would type: kill 17
> Someone correct me if I am leading this poor soul astray...
> -Carlton

   That's correct, but sometimes you need a bigger gun ;>

in that case use the 9 switch, type 'kill -9 <pid>' or in your ex. 
'kill -9 17'
 from 'man kill',
       kill  sends the specified signal to the specified process.
       If no signal is specified, the TERM signal is  sent.   The
       TERM  signal  will  kill processes which do not catch this
       signal.  For other processes, if may be necessary  to  use
       the KILL (9) signal, since this signal cannot be caught.   

Tom Brinkman        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Galveston Bay

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