On Tuesday 31 October 2000 01:53 pm, you wrote:
> Do you have windows? For some weird reason windows can auto-detect
> the DNS while linux cannot. Can anyone explain this?
> Connect under windows. Now you must run c:\windows\winipcfg.exe.
> Click More Info and there will be a field containing the ips for
> the DNS servers.

   Problem with that is your system is at severe security risk 
connecting to the Net with Windoze, no matter what kind of 
AV/firewall software you try to add to it.  It's worse than 
connecting with Linux as root and with no firewall and security set 
to 'come on crackers' ;>

    'nslookup'   see  man or info nslookup
  which also says:  SEE ALSO
     named(8),  resolver(3),  resolver(5)

    My recent ISP (Earthlink) uses different DNS for different 
locations. EL unfortunately runs on Netscape Enterprise (AoL crap).  
I had some trouble at first setting up Kppp.  I was never told they 
use chap instead of pap, and I didn't think to ask.  Another problem 
was I was given one good DNS number and one wrong one (for my 
location).  Their tech support further confused the issue by 
contradictory responses about which was wright/wrong, which was 
primary/secondary.  If you're foolhardy enough to connect with 
Windoze this isn't a problem as EL's Windoze CD software dials in 
and gets the local info.
    Confused?, I was so I left Kppp blank, got a connection and did 
'nslookup'.  It reports a completely different number, EL tech says
"you're not supposed to know that ... how did you get it?"  ;> 
Needless to say they were suspicious of why I even needed this info, 
"just put the Earthlink CD in an it'll set it up for you". <hehehe> 
By the time the CD came in the mail I'd had a connection for several 
days ;)
    To shorten this up, I often see people answer these DNS 
questions with the the old tried and true 'edit /etc/ppp/ 
resolve.conf' and enter the numbers your ISP gave you'. 
Good advice most of the time, but not always true.  It depends on 
the ISP you're using.  I have the (correct) numbers I finally got 
from EL entered in Kppp.  Linux does an "auto-detect" on connection 
to EL and gets the 'real numbers' and puts 'em in resolve.conf ;>
    BTW, my neighbors on EL, using Windoze (and winmodems) can only 
get 28,8 or 26,4 connections due to the phone lines.  I get always 
get 31,2 and sometimes 33,6 using Linux. (I have a 33,6 hardware 
modem).  Most all of 'em think they've caught a virus at one time or 
another too  ;>>
Tom Brinkman        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Galveston Bay

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jamie Kerwick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 5:38 PM
> Subject: [newbie] Internet in the UK
> > Has anyone managed to setup a connection to freeserve in the UK?
> > I have managed to setup the PPP correctly-ish. It connects to
> > the server however,
> i
> > get no server found when trying to goto sites. I think that the
> > problem is that i have no DNS listed in the PPP properties, the
> > problem is that i
> don't
> > know the IP address of the DNS which freeserve uses. Can anyone
> > tell me,
> or
> > give me the IP address of a different DNS  which i could use, (i
> > am under the impression that any valid DNS will do, is this so?)
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Jamie

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