It was Nov 4, 2000, 19:46, when Abraham E Mandac Jr keyboarded:

>Pentium II 300 MHz, 64 MB RAM on an ASUS P2E-M motherboard
>2 GB IDE HDD [the master HDD -- my only HDD at that]
>This is what I intend to do:
>1. Buy a new IDE disk and mount it as the new master drive [to replace the
>old two-gig hard disk]
>2. Reconnect the old 2 GB drive, this time as the slave drive [with Windows
>and everything else on it still intact]

This should work well if you do not create any DOS-partition on your new
harddisk. Add 1 DOS-like partition and the drive letters will get messed
up, leaving your Windoze stuff dangling on the wrong drive. MS really did
the world a favor with that technique.

>Would the installer be able to 'detect' Windows on the slave slot so I
>could still boot to Windows as it always was?

I don't know this. It would not be a problem though, to add this to


Or its equivalent in grub:

title dos
root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1


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