Hallo (again)!!  8-)

I've got that card in my laptop... but i'm not able to configure it!!
They've got experimental support for it; the system requirements are:
-kernel 2.2.x (7.2 has 2.2.17, ok),
-PCMCIA package (pcmcia-cs-3.0.9 or higher) installed and start.

And here is the readme file; please make me know if you've got any idea
about this problem (IMPORTANT!!):


                 LINUX Driver for 32-bit CardBus Ethernet PCCard

File list
README.TXT ----- This file.
REALTEK_CB.O ----- LINUX driver binary file.
REALTEK_CB.C ----- LINUX driver source file.

System requirement
LINUX kernel 2.2.x
PCMCIA package (pcmcia-cs-3.0.9 or higher) installed and start.

1) Copy the realtek_cb.o to the pcmcia modules folder in /lib
   ( it usually = /lib/modules/2.2.x/pcmcia )

2) Edit the PCMCIA configuration file, there are two file can be edit,
choose one to
   make the configuration.

   1. Edit /etc/pcmcia/config.opts -- this file will not replaced after
you upgrade
      the pcmcia-cs package, so it doesn't need to modify after each

         Add the following lines at the end of this file:

           # Module for 32-bit CardBus Ethernet 10/100 (R5)
           device "realtek_cb" class "network"
           module "cb_enabler", "realtek_cb"
           card "32-bit CardBus Ethernet 10/100 (R5)"
           manfid 0x0260, 0x0235  bind "realtek_cb"

   2. Edit /etc/pcmcia/config -- this file will be overwrite after you
upgrade the
      pcmcia-cs package, it is needed to modify after each upgrading:

      a. Add the following lines in the 'Device driver definitions'

           device "realtek_cb"
             class "network" module "cb_enabler", "realtek_cb"

      b. Add the following lines in the 'CardBus cards' section (you can
change the
         string in 'card' line, as same as the 'Produce info' that read
by the
         'cardctl ident' command):

           card "32-bit CardBus Ethernet 10/100 (R5)"
             manfid 0x0260, 0x0235
             bind "realtek_cb"

3) Save the configuration file, then type the command (don't care about
the message
   'unsolved symbol'):

     depmod -a

4) Reboot computer, plug the Ethernet PCCard into the slot before
booting LINUX.

5) During the LINUX bootig procedure, you can hear a high tone beeps, it
means the
   PCCard is initialed.

6) Change the network settings if needed.

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Joan.Tur.pagina.de  Club.Ibosim.pagina.de
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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