> Steve Maytum wrote:
> Hello everyone. I have managed to boot-up my new M/board and chip
> thanks to your suggestions. Still getting to grips with Linux , but
> just one answer please if possible. In view of info on setting up new
> PC , am I correct in thinking that to fit multiple drives this has to
> be achieved by SCSI device? Sorry to bug you but I really don't know
> the answer and am too inexperienced to know where to go just yet!
> Regards  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Not at all, we were all(and are still) newbies.
Most motherboards today have a floppy controller, and two IDE
Each of the IDE controllers can control two IDE disks, master and slave.
You should be able to fit 4 drives on most motherboards.
Your CD-ROM will be one of those devices if it is IDE.

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