I use my linux box as a router (ip-masquerading) for other PC's on my lan.
I have two nics, one connected to an external adsl modem and the other one
is connected to my switch.  I used to have mandrake 7.1 and I didn't
experience any problems.  When I upgraded to 7.2...I started experiencing
connection problems.  It seems that my connection to my dsl provider will
mysteriously drop for unspecificied amounts of time.  Sometimes it will be
only a couple minutes, but other times it will be for hours.  I can easily
fix it by either restarting dhcpcd, or I can just issue and ifdown eth0
command and then follow up with an ifup eth0.  What is causing this problem?
I remember I used to have the same problem when I used Redhat...and Redhat
uses pump instead of dhcpcd.  Any help would be appreciated.

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