Hey Larry,
I've been following the exchange between you and Fred (excerpts below)
with interest.  I don't know what kind of tag team you've got going with
Tom; I guess you can speak for him.  This is written on behalf of
myself; it's clear Fred can speak for himself :-D  As a newbie, I find
Tom's unnecessary, condescending remarks about Grandma and clueless and
color schemes to be offensive.  No one, that I could see, was asking
what you or Tom thought about HTML.  Propping yourself up by knocking
somebody else down is not helping.  If it is your intent to deny me
access to your juicy, desirable knowledge unless I embrace your
supercilious swaggering and, metaphorically speaking, kiss your ass, so
be it.  I welcome the solitude.  Here's a clue:  I didn't come here
looking for a girlfriend :-D

Cheers --- Rolf

> > > Fred Hamilton wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > On Wednesday 08 November 2000 18:04, you wrote:
> > > > > > On Wednesday 08 November 2000 02:33 pm, Fred Hamilton wrote:
> > > > > > Thanks for any help, and one more thing. What is the most popular
> > > > > > email program? I am now using KMail, but would like to use
> > > > > > something that allows you to compose HTML messages, and I do not
> > > > > > want to use Netscape.
> > > > >
> > > > >    Unfortunately, Kmail in KDE2 handles html very well.  Let me
> > > > > remind you tho of the message (excerpt below, particularly since
> > > > > it's the _No.1_ rule) that you were sent when you joined this list
> > > > > (or prob'ly any other list).  Netiquette strongly discourages the
> > > > > use of html for email, especially forbids it and attachments on
> > > > > mailing lists.  It's for sendin pics, and lavender text on a yellow
> > > > > background to your Grandma (and then only if she's clueless too ;)
> > > > > ...................................................................
> > > > > Welcome to the newbie List.
> > > > > ========================
> > > > > * Please, try to keep the folowing general rules in mind before
> > > > > posting:
> > > > >
> > > > > 1) Use straight ASCII (TXT) format. Many people do not like "HTML"
> > > > > "RTF", or any other weird format you may send.
> > > > > ...................................................................
> > > > >
> > > > >    I'd add that it never looks as good on our monitors as you might
> > > > > believe it does on yours ;>>

> > > >
> > > > When did I say "for posting HTML in groups?" I am a newbie to Linux, not the
> > > > Internet! I know about netiquette. Now, if you only answered my question
> > > > instead of lecturing me.....

> > > Gee Fred, maybe a switch to decaf would help.  Tom's one of the sharpest
> > > guys here.  You just might need his assistance at some point.  I nearly
> > > wrote exactly what he did but decided it wasn't worth the time.  You'll
> > > find people answer questions here when they feel like it and growling
> > > isn't going to stimulate that activity.  BTW, I use Pine as my email tool
> > > and it don't do HTML I'm happy to say.

> > > Cheers --- Larry

> > On Wednesday 08 November 2000 21:12, you wrote:
> > > I nearly  wrote exactly what he did but decided it wasn't worth the time

> > I think your statement says it all! If it isn't worth the time then why 
> > bother posting? The very name of this reflector says it all. When someone 
> > comes in and asks a question, by all means everyone that has something 
> > pertinent to say concerning the question should start typing. If you have 
> > nothing to say about the persons question, then ignore the message and read 
> > on to try to help someone else, don't waste the time of the reader or the 
> > subscribers by adding more useless traffic. THEN he insinuates that I have 
> > been "flooding" the reflector with HTML messages because of my question, when 
> > I only subscribed today. I can do without that kind of help.....

> > Just my 2 cents worth, and no growling was intended....

> > I only subscribed today. I can do without that kind of help.....

> Fred, I dare say that you'll not likely have to worry about getting any
> kind of help from either myself or Tom.  Good luck with Linux; it's a
> great operating system.

> Cheers --- Larry

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