>I notice you are using Windows Eudora, if you are in win9.x, then goto My 
>computer -> Properties -> Device Manager -> Display Adapters -> Print -> 
>selected class or device -> OK; do the same with monitor. You will get all 
>the specs; I printed my whole system.  HTH

Ok.... tried that... problem is that Windows doesn't even recognize my
monitor!  so all it prints is:

Class: Monitors
Device: (Unknown Monitor)
No resources used.

and thats it... heh... I already tried the setting 'monitor that will do
1024x768 at 70hz' and that didn't work either... I'm beginning to think
that something else is up... when I try to choose a monitor setting (I
don't know if it did this by typing "Xconfigurator" at the Command Line or
not) I catch a brief glimpse of 10 or so lines, and the last one says
"Device is busy" or something similar... is there any way to print out the
results of that so I can post it here?

for the record, here's my Video Card:

Class: Display adapters
Device: Revolution(tm) 3D (HawkEye, DirectX)
  IRQ: 11
  I/O: 03B0h-03BBh
  I/O: 03C0h-03DFh
  I/O: D000h-D0FFh
Then a ton of MEM's which I'm snipping for brevity

I'm going to try the other ideas listed here later, but any more feedback
would be *greatly* appreciated... I really want to try to become less
attached to Windows if at all possible

Thanks for all the help, guys

"Lazy is good when there's nothing to do. But Lazy is even better when
something needs to be done." -Llie Rion
California, n.: "calor" meaning "heat"; "fornia" for "sexual intercourse"
or "fornication."
Hence: Tierra de California, "the land of hot sex"

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