thanks to all for the comments on my questions regarding this topic.

Tom said:
     I'll continue to recommend a fresh install of 7.2, specially if 
you're going from XF3.3.x to XF-4.  I've also found that some KDE1 
apps just don't work or work right with KDE2.  Also if you have any 
hardware that's been a hassle in the past, I believe a fresh install 
would have the best chance of gettings things right.

me sayz -- i think i will stick with XF3.3 as the XF4 with ML7.1 did not work with my 
system.  i'm having printer problems tho, so in hope that the new printer system will 
fix that.  and i don't use the KDE environment, except as root, elsewise i use 

Tom said:
    That said tho, you've really got nothin to loose tryin an 
upgrade first.  I'd suggest you do a 'recommended' (rather than 
'customized' or 'expert') upgrade first, then upgrade again with
expert/development. This opinion is based partly on my own 
experiences (7.2b3 -> 7.2) and suggestions I've seen on the cooker 
list.  'Course this assumes you don't have to use 'expert' to 
overcome some parculiarities of your system/hardware/configuration 
to begin with.

me sayz -- there are different types of upgrades?  oh wow...  this might be more fun 
than i expected.  =)  i have used expert, but just for the experience, not because i 
needed to do so.  i will keep your recomendation in mind.

on the topic of:
> obviously it will upgrade existing packages, but i assume
> (dangerous to do) that it will add any packages that i do not have
> installed?  am i correct.

Tom said:
    Generally speaking I believe this will be the case.  Sort'a like 
there's no difference between 'rpm -i' and 'rpm -U', both will 
install even if there's no existing package.  I feel the bigger risk 
tho, doing a 7.x -> 7.2 upgrade, is that orphaned or obsolete 
files/packages will be left on your HDD.   I'd also advise that KDE2 
has some bobbles/irritations. Don't assume it's your 7.2 install, 
it's prob'ly KDE2, and will be fixed in KDE2.1 ;)

me sayz --  really?  orphaned & obsolete files could get left eh?  i don't really like 
that idea much....  i have pleanty of drive space, but still.....   i suppose it could 
cause problems down the line eh?  the more i think about it, the more i wonder if i 
shouldn't just start over from fresh again.  having just recently reinstalled my Linux 
& Win98 systems from nothing i found that Linux + applications + customizing was 
completely up & going just as i wanted it in a day.  Win + applications + customizing 
took 3 days.

maybe i'll just format    =)

thanks much for the thoughts.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

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