> When I do a TAR -zxvf filename then I run ./configure, make and make
> install, I can see on the console screen that there's nothing wrong
> after the install.  My big problem is not knowing where it put the
> file to start the program or what the name would be.  The latest
> culprit is the Firestarter program.  Is there any rhyme or reason to
> this?

   Well you can look in the Makefile to see where it's fixin to put the 
binary, EG, you'll see somethin like:
prefix = /usr/local
exec_prefix = ${prefix}

bindir = ${exec_prefix}/bin   (so it gets put in /usr/local/bin)
   or since you were root when you ran 'make install', you can type 
'locate -u' to update the slocate DB, and then 'locate <app>' to see 
where it got put.  'Course you can risk editing the Makefile to put the 
binary where you want it also.

Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

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