Running 7.2

I am running a 3com 3c905b card. It is installed
without errors in the logs. I have completely and
thoroughly gone over setup with my isp on
configuration(twice). dsl->router->hub->me!

Still nothing. I am good for pinging and telnet on
this machine, cant move outside it though.  
I am getting the "network unreachable" when leaving
this box.

I have checked the logs, no probs. They show eth0, lo,
network, route suceeded just fine.
I have run ifconfig, and here I only get the lo
showing up, with no mention of the card(etho).
I have run "netstat eth0" and seen its alive.. )
I have run ifup eth0 and gotten the following:
siocsifflages: No such device
sioaddrt: Network is down
sioaddrt: Network is unreachable

I am no linux pro clearly, and really tried to fig
this out on my own, and from the archives/net.
I am at a total loss....

Any ideas on getting this thing going? 
Or where my mistake may be?

Thanks for your time.



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