When attempting to apply the PHP updates found at the Security Updates section of the Linux-Mandrake site (for 7.0) I get the following error from rpm: error: failed dependencies: libmysqlclient.so.4 is needed by mod_php3-3.0.17-1mdk midgard-php conflicts with mod_php3-3.0.17-1mdk mod_php3 conflicts with midgard-php-1.2.1-3mdk libmysqlclient.so.4 is needed by mod_php3-3.0.17RC1-1mdk midgard-php conflicts with mod_php3-3.0.17RC1-1mdk mod_php3 conflicts with midgard-php-1.2.1-3mdk Regards, cyberclay --- cclay at fastlane dot net I think, therefore I am dangerous http://www.abednego.com