Dear Tom, Paul, & All, Thank you for your suggestions. I will study that
printing page from I do have a question here: Is it
unusual to not have the printing set up correctly during installation
with 7.2? My printing setup was automatic with the installation in 7.
Otherwise overall I am very impressed with 7.2 and feel that it is an
improvement over 7.

As far as the questions for the Hearts game. I am not sure what X
version would be used in 7.2. How can I check for sure? What config file
would that be in 7.2? Is there a way to check on versions through the

 My video card/driver is a S3Virge and is setup exactly like it was in
7, I believe. It is an extended Super VGA, 800x600 at 60hz ,640x480 at
72hz. Vert refresh is 55-90 Video Ram is 2048 Default color depth-16.
The Hearts game worked fine in 7 with this setup. My display and X seems
to be fine in 7.2 except for this Hearts game. I am not sure how to
answer the closed source driver question. I am a relatively new
newbie.:) I tried the hearts-0.90-1.i386.rpm first then I tried
hearts-0.0.13-1.i386.rpm after the other one did not work. The latter
one had the same problem (no faces). The latter one or the 0.0.13
version is the one I used without problems in Linux-Mandrake7. I have
not tried different resolutions or color depths and do not really know
how to do that in 7.2.

If someone can help me solve this I would be grateful since this game is
the one thing that helped my husband accept Linux. 

Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Marcia

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