On Thursday 16 November 2000 02:45 pm, Marcia wrote:

> As far as the questions for the Hearts game. I am not sure what X
> version would be used in 7.2. How can I check for sure? What config
> file would that be in 7.2? Is there a way to check on versions
> through the console?

   type 'X -version', if that doesn't work type 'XFree86 -version'
>  My video card/driver is a S3Virge and is setup exactly like it was
> in 7, I believe.

    No not exactly, it can't be, because you have a newer kernel, X 
version, and many, many other changes with 7.2.

 It is an extended Super VGA, 800x600 at 60hz
> ,640x480 at 72hz. Vert refresh is 55-90 Video Ram is 2048 Default
> color depth-16.

 just 2 megs on the card is borderline.  800x600x16 is 'bout all it 

 The Hearts game worked fine in 7 with this setup. My
> display and X seems to be fine in 7.2 except for this Hearts game. I
> am not sure how to answer the closed source driver question.

  It's using a generic VGA driver so that becomes sort'a academic. What 
I was fishin for is many times with hardware that uses closed source 
drivers, upgrade Linux and the hardware quits workin properly.

 I am a
> relatively new newbie.:) I tried the hearts-0.90-1.i386.rpm

     an ftp search for this rpm turned up -0-
> then I tried hearts-0.0.13-1.i386.rpm 

   ftp for this one turns up lot's, but they're all only 4.6k ??
I downloaded a couple and they were all invalid.  So, I searched
hearts-0.0.12-1.i386.rpm  and got a lot at 234k, d/l one and 
                     yep, no faces.......
   so I searched  hearts-0.0.13.tar.gz  and got  a bunch of 4.6k files 
again. I d/l'd  hearts-0.0.12.tar.gz  (224k) and it failed on 
configure, not the right headers/libraries.

 I have not tried different resolutions or color
> depths and do not really know how to do that in 7.2.
    Like anything else in Linux there's lot'a ways, easiest for a 
newcomer with 7.2 would prob'ly be DrakConf | Change Screen Res. 
But if you have set up both 640 and 800, first try <Crtl+Alt, +/- on 
the numpad> to toggle the different resolutions on the fly.
    But I don't think this is the road to go anyhow, I believe the 
app's just not gonna run right under the new kernel/libraries.

> If someone can help me solve this I would be grateful since this game
> is the one thing that helped my husband accept Linux.

    I'm out'a ideas, 'cept for the first one I gave you.  The app has 
fallen behind, and without a rewrite, prob'ly isn't gonna work right 
with the newer 7.2 kernel (2.2.17), X, KDE2, libs, etc.

    Buying another old computer, or makin a new partition on the one 
you've got, and loading Mandrake 7.0 with Hearts (and faces) would 
probl'y be a lot cheaper than a divorce ;>
Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

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