On Friday 17 November 2000 01:50 pm, root wrote:
> Dear All,
>  Has anyone tried any of the napster clones with 7.2 yet? I have the
> gnapster and it seems to get the music fine .

    I use Knapster, works great
 Unfortunately Kaiman
> does not work at all for playing the music. 

    Kaiman seems fairly useless to me

The Xmms player works
> except the music fades in and out.

    I use Xmms with the OSS ouput plugin, no problems

 I do not know if the problem is
> with KDE2 downloading music or with the players themsselves.

   Could be your sound hardware.   Try using normalize-0.3.4-2mdk...rpm 
to equalize mp3/wav sound ouput.

Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

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