> > > > onepatrick >  i have elected myself as group psychologist
 > > > >
 > >  >>                                  :)
 > > > >
 > > > >                      any questions ?
 > > > >
 > > >
 > > > GAPrichard > I have this friend........
 > > >
 > >  ahhhhh, i see.
 > >
 > > please ask your friend to see me :)
 > >
 > Ed > Liear. LIER, Lier<<<<< we all Know NO-ONE named PAtrick would
 > have ANY friends (just a joke)
 > Ed > rolling on the floor

He won't come in, he's afraid.  He's been having these nightmares.  This Blue 
Screen (of Death) comes out of the monitor and engulfs him.  What can we do 
to help him?  

(sorry if in my rearranging i didn't get this in the right sequence.  -Gary-)

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