>  > > > > > > > onepatrick >  i have elected myself as group psychologist
>  > > > > > > >
>  > > > > > > >                                  :)
>  > > > > > > >
>  > > > > > > >                      any questions ?
>  > > > > > >
>  > > > > > > GAPrichard > I have this friend........
>  > > > > > >
>  > > > > >  ahhhhh, i see.
>  > > > > >
>  > > > > > please ask your friend to see me :)
>  > > > >
>  > > > Ed > Liear. LIER, Lier<<<<< we all Know NO-ONE named PAtrick would
>  > > > have ANY friends (just a joke)
>  > > >
>  > > > Ed > rolling on the floor
>  > >
>  > > He won't come in, he's afraid.  He's been having these nightmares.
>  > > This Blue Screen (of Death) comes out of the monitor and engulfs him.
>  > > What can we do to help him?
>  > >
>  > Buy him a pair of Blue Blocker sunglasses. He hasn't had nightmares about
>  > a GREEN sreen of death, has he? :o)
>  >
> The Blue Blockers didn't work.  Monsters emerge from the screen screeming
> What does it mean?

well im not yet sure, what it means, but i have a cure for it anyway.

tell your friend to install linux. i bet his problems wiill completely
disappear :) of course  u must handle your firiend with care.
becuase he is about to get a whole bunch of new ones.

dont forget to check outt maximumlinux.com and see  how they
are planning to make us buy another linux soon.

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