    I have but one box, I used the winipcfg and got all my information. My
DHCP and DNS are the same and x.x.x.32 is another dns. When you
say rounter I have a default gateway 65.33.112  When i installed it i chose
custome  and selected for every pack to be installed, as i have 55 gigs, so
im not worried about space. Can you help me by telling me under the drake
config or the internet config what do i have to set up? I know that kind of
general but iv been working on this for 2 days and getting a little
fustrated, ack. Also does it matter what i chose for my domain name as i
chose bodavis.cfl.rr.com.
----- Original Message -----
From: "jae you" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2000 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Cant connect to internet Plezz help

> >From: "Albert Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: [newbie] Cant connect to internet Plezz help
> >Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 14:10:25 -0500
> >
> >Ok I have installed Mandrake-Linux with no problems on my system, 5 times
now. I am installing the lnx4win version. In windoz I got the DHCP, Default
Gateway, my IP, my subnetmast, which is, notice the 252
there?, and my DNS. I have used the ifconfig -a function and my card is
being reconized. BTW I have Road Runner cable connection  I have tried most
every variant I can to get the internet connection up. I am a true newb to
Linux but frow what i understand the DHCP should configure my system for me.
I have before set up a NetMax server but when I did that it used a static
ip. Is there a function of sometype that i can run to set up my connection?
Im lost here.
> >
Thx for anyhelp
> 1. do u have a cable/ dsl router?  (the router is the DHCP server. if you
don't have a router, you don't have a DHCP server. if you don't, then you
have to get your internet provider's DNSs addresses (Linux will ask you
those info. during installation))
> 2. which install mode did you pick?
>      expert
>      automatic
>      custom
>   (pick custom)
> I used server installation,a nd it worked fine.
> If you have a router, you shoud put the router's address. U don't need any
of DNSs and stuff because those are supposed to be in your router already.
> I believe Roadrunner does not offer static IP. so don't go there
> good luck

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