> Francisco Alcaraz Ariza wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I am having problems to install a new kernel in rpm format; If I use
> the classical rpm -i it seems that everything goes well, but in fact
> my kernel is not modified.
> What can I do? Is there any way to change the kernel using those rpm
> files or do I need to start using the tgz file??
> Thanks newbies and more expert "linux-men" for your help!!!!
> Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
> Departamento de Biología Vegetal
> Universidad de Murcia
> Campus de Espinardo
> E-30100 Murcia, España (Spain)
> Pone: int+34+968364976
Well, rpm will load a new kernel, but it will not make it the one to
boot from to do that, in a terminal, login as root with the su -
command, then

# drakboot

and follow the instructions to point toward booting your new kernel.


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