Here is my scenario. I have 2 computers. 1 Windows 98 computer, and 1
Mandrake 7.2 computer. They are directly connected via 100mbs Ethernet. The
Mandrake computer has a modem hanging off it, and it is configured to dial
into my ISP.
I set Internet Connection Sharing up on the Mandrake computer and set the 98
computer up to get its IP address automatically with DHCP. I booted both,
and the 98 did receive an IP address from the Mandrake computer, and I could
ping, ftp, telnet back and forth and all that good stuff.

When I try to use the web, or ping anything by name, it doesn't work. It
seems as though the name resolution isn't working on the 98 PC. The DNS is
disabled, so I am assuming it is using the Mandrake computer to get its name
resolution from.

Problem is, I don't know how to check the Mandrake server to see where it is
getting its name resolution from. I checked the /etc/nsswitch.conf file, and
the order are files dns nis nisplus.

I am able to access everything fine from the Mandrake computer, so I believe
name resolution on it is fine. I just don't think it is passing name
resolution back and forth between Mandrake and 98. If Mandrake is getting
its DNS settings (if it isn't getting them from somewhere else) from the ISP
when I dial in, where is it configured to tell it to use the DNS from the
ISP, and how do I configure it to pass the DNS resolution back to the 98 PC?


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