Ok, I finally made it...

thanx everyone for the help... I used linux fdisk on the Lnx-Mdk 7.2 
install disk, in rescue mode, it's amazing how much more powerful it is 
than DOS fdisk, wow...
Here's what i did: linux fdisk said that the partition with windows on it 
was an extended linux partition. i wanted to just rename it to a windows 
partition, but it said that i would have to delete it first. So i deleted 
it and made a new windows parition on the space that had been labeled with 
linux extended partition. I then saved, and rebooted, but the computer just 
stopped, no prompt, nothing. So i rebooted with my windows bootdisk and 
used DOS fdisk to look at the partitions, it said that there was one 
non-DOS partition and one DOS partition. I then used my norton basic rescue 
boot disc, which restored, i think it was my, bootsector. Then i booted 
normally and everything is just dandy.

Thanx again, to all of those who helped me, i really appreciate it, before 
posting to this list i was close to despair and considered just formatting 
the drive...



At 06:24 PM 11/24/00 -0800, you wrote:
> > Are there perhaps any tools which i can use to just tell
> > the computer that my windows partition is infact a FAT32
> > partition, just by editing the partition table) - this
> > excluding fdisk, as i had no luck there...
> >
> > thanx for your help...
>creaktop.....yes Linux fdisk will do that.  Use your Linux
>Mandrake 7.2 install CD in rescue mode to gain access to both
>fdisk and your partition.  The 't' command of fdisk will
>change a partition's system id.  From what you've been saying
>you probably need to change it back from whatever it is now
>(probably a type '83' or a type '85') to a type 'b'.  Check
>out the 'l' command to decide what to change it to.

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