Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> Hi Alan. Thanks for the reply. Guess I'll have to go to
> CheapBytes and grab DR-DOS from there...
> I'm really just looking for backwards DOS compatibility
> without actually using MS-DOS, kinda like I love Wine and
> Starcraft with no Windog in sight... Don't really want
> *any* MicroSlop product on me beloved Linux box! ;-)

Ronald....that's pretty much why I did it too.  But I also 
wanted to use BootMagic as my multi-os manager (it needs a 
dos or windows partition for it's configuration program) and 
I'd never liked the maneuver that Partition Magic went 
through to get itself into a pure dos mode from Windows 
(after I'd give it a command or two to accomplish), so I 
wanted a hard drive home for the dos version of Partition 
Magic (rather than restarting my system with a bootable 
floppy to run Partition Magic in dos mode).

DR-DOS is restricted to 2 gig partitions (it uses the fat16 
file system) by the way.  I don't believe I mentioned that in 
my other message.

Good luck.

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