Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> > Thanks Alan. Well, after due consideration, and playing
> > around with my dual-boot DOS/Linux setup, I've decided to
> > undue it. I'm going to setup up my Linux 20 gig HD as the
> > primary, and use the 10 gigger as a DOS/Windows partition
> > to run stuff with Wine and as a backup space for my
> > precious Linux software...
> >
> > I've got several reasons for doing this, one of course is
> > that I'm limited to 2 gig HD's...the other sound
> > card is too good. I know that sounds funny, but I've got
> > the SB Xgamer Live! which is a great card, but guess what?
> > I went to the Creative/SB web site, and there are no DOS
> > drivers for these newer cards. So all the DOS games I
> > wanted to run would have no sound (well, pc speaker but
> > ugh!). So...there ya go.
> >
> > Thanks for all your help! ;-)
> Ronald....Ha!  Exactly the reason I only made a minimal 200
> meg partition for my DR-DOS, my sound card has no dos
> drivers!!  Good Luck!  :-)
> --
> Alan
Have you tried a vanilla sb driver from the windows list? 
Unsupported video cards work as plain vga at worst. You
also may have a 6-pin? connection to the card from the mb
enabling dos irqs for games.

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