I think we sort of agree, what I am really saying I suppose is that Guarddog 
is a good place to start for a newbie, it gives a reasonable degree of 
security without the need for understanding of ipchains. As ShieldsUp is 
aimed at Windows users (I believe) and it couldn't find me when I hid behind 
Guarddog, I would hope that it will hide me from "Windows using script 
That said, I fully accept your point and would urge newbies not to be 
complacent and rely on Guarddog believing it to be enough. I would suggest 
installing it, then looking at the available documentation for ipchains and 
PMfirewall and moving on.

>      That's my point tho, would you rather have a fancy GUI for a
> firewall setup that leaves ports open, or use a text based app like
> PMfirewall that sets up ipchains to give better protection?
> > BTW thanks for the heads-up re: the better check than ShieldsUp -
> > I've been there and it finds things that ShieldsUp couldn't
> > like port 23 is open  and allows telnet
> >       port 80 is open and allows http
> >       port 8080 is open for http-proxy
> > none of which I understand because as far as I knew none of these
> > sevices were enabled - guess I've got some digging to do !
> > Poogle
>      Do the complete scan and get the emailed report.  The basic scan
> reports 1025 open on my system, but the complete scan reports 1025 as
> open/filtered, ie, not a problem.   'Course I have the BEST protection
> from script kiddies, a lousy 28,8 dialup ;>

I did do the complete scan which is where I got the results I mentioned, I 
still haven't found out why telnet, http and http-proxy are open, but then I 
haven't yet looked very hard.  

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