Technically, WinME is Win98 without any trace of DOS under the covers. You 
won't find autoexec.bat. config.sys, or any of those files on a system with 
WinME preinstalled. An upgraded system may still have those artifacts lying 
about. Win2000 is simply Win NT5 with a new name for the new millenium.


At 02:39 PM 11/30/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>I think ME is another name for Win98 and Win2000 is another name for NT.
> >
> > No, Windows isn't written in VB.  Windows is written in assembly language.
> >
> > Additionally, Windows is a "DOS Shell", even '98.  The only version of
>Windows which is a true OS is NT, and that's only because it's the version
>of OS/2 which IBM was working on when the M$/IBM divorce happened (early
>90s?).  That's why M$ called it "NT" -- because for them it was, well and
>truly, "New Technology".  (For that matter, still is!)  Remember: "ME" is
>just "NT" with a new name.
> >
> > That M$ took OS/2 and ruined it so thoroughly is indicative of the culture
>of M$.  Remember: Gates' primary motivation is to eliminate any and all
>competition.  Whether the silly software really works is literally at the
>bottom of his agenda.
> >
> > DOS works fine as a single-user, single-program platform.  It got f*cked
>up when M$ tried to make it multi-tasking.
> >
> > Talking about history, the only reason M$ got the IBM PC deal is because
>people at CP/M wouldn't return IBM's phone calls.  CP/M is the original
>pre-emptive multi-tasking OS for the PC, btw.
> >
> > --
> > I hope you and yours are prospering!
> > --Paddock -------------------
> > Registered Linux user 190974 ( 2000-Oct-05 ).
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Dave Sherman
SoftServ Business Systems, Inc.

"Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum viditur."

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