I had the exact same problem but I solved it in my posting in this forum
titled: "A Lil Time Crisis".

Let me see if I have it saved in my sent folder. One moment....
Here it is. Enjoy.

  I tried what you suggested soon after I posted this message and that didn't
  fix the problem. I would enter the correct time from CMOS then boot back
  linux, but as soon as I logged back into KDE it would switch back to the
  time. I checked the time zone and I discovered that I had that set
  (CST for Chicago). I discovered that if I fixed the time in KDE it will
  correct until I either relogin back into KDE (in other words if I logged
  in using Blackbox, the time would still be correct) or when I did a restart.
  looked into K|Configuration|Other and discovered that there were two
  I could use to set the time on my box (I was in Blackbox at the time I was
  doing this); Timetool and timeconfig. I did timeconfig first and realized
  it looked exactly like the program used in KDE. I next tried Timetool. I
  this command:

  su -c timetool

  I changed the time and choose apply. It would switch it back to the wrong
  time. I next saw a box that said, "Set System Clock". I reapplied the
  and clicked onto "Set System Clock". Eureka! It worked! I next logged out
  back into Blackbox. The time was still correct. I next logged into KDE,
  success! The time was still correct! But to make absolutely sure, I
  my computer and the time was still correct! I posted my findings to the
  community for these two reasons; For this experience to enrich us as
  troubleshooters and to point out a bug in Timetool. I surmise that if you
  your linux box at install to local time and you should later set your
  to your timezone (incorrectly or not), you run the risk of having the same
  problems that I had. 


  Mr S Ganesan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  What u have to do is check the time on the CMOS setup which u can access 
  before the machine actually goes up on the OS. Try pressing the DEL key
  or thee F2 key or what ever it might be for ur machine as shown on the
  monitor after it checks the RAM . This can be found at the bottom of the 
  console at the time of boot up. After u are sure that the time is
  correct, The problem will be solved.On 7 Dec 2000, Altoine Barker wrote:

  > I have LM7.2 Odyssey installed on my computer. I don't know if this is a
  > glitch or not but here is my problem. My time is set wrong. While in KDE
  > goto the bottom right hand corner and change the time zone to CST which
  > time zone I'm in and then I change the time to reflect the time on my
  > If I logout of my KDE session and then come back in, the time is totally
  > wrong. I rebooted the computer and noticed that while bringing the
  > have defaulted to run in startup, I see the time service being started
  > has "(local)" after the service like this:
  > time yada yada (local) (Up)
  > MySQL (Up)
  > Anybody know how I can fix this. I want to have my computer's time set to
  > internet service but it won't be accurate until I have this problem
  > Thank you in advance for any information that you can provide. This is
  > especially important to me because I used to set my computer to wake me
  > the mornings but now I'm forced to use a "clock"! Save me!!
  > Cheers 
  > --Al

bascule <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i have definitely read that some computers will display gmt only in the panel

of kde, however i don't remember where, i think it was a kde/hardware thing 
but you will have to do a search on it, from what i read you aren't doing 
anything wrong, sorry to be of no more help but at least you know you aren't 


On Wednesday 29 November 2000  2:43 pm, you wrote:
> Every time I reboot my date reverts back 6 hours. No matter how many times
> I correct it with the 'date' command it still reverts back after rebooting?
> What am I doing wrong here?

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