Yeah, X crashed on you, not linux, I believe. It happens to me sometimes
if I have a whole bunch of programs opened and decide, what the hell, let
me throw Netscape into the mix. It doesn't happen as much since I started
using Blackbox instead of KDE...I'm hoping it happens a little less when I
get my new 128 meg of RAM to augment my it is, it happens about
once a week...


Registered Linux user #190719

On Fri, 15 Dec 2000, blinddog wrote:

> Bizarre thing just happened, I was going thru news and my screens just
> disappeared and I was deposited at the logon propmt, my CD kept playing, my
> interenet connection remained and I just logged back in.
> I was running
> KDE2
> Kmail
> Netscape 4.75
> PAN newsreader
> Cd player
> Internet login script
> and run Linux 7.2
> Has anyone else had an experience like this? Any ideas?
> Blinddog

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