Hello All. I've just installed system 7.2 yesterday. I'm completely new to 
linux, and this is my first shot at it. As A long time windows user, I am 
finding myself very confused by the way linux handles application storage. I 
would like it if someone could explain a few things to me.

1) There appear to be nothing like an .exe file for linux software, where is 
the program itself? For instance, if I go into the gimp directory, I see all 
it's support files, but no executable. However, if I Alt-F2 and type in 
"gimp", it runs just fine. Where is the program stored?

2) This is more specific.... I downloaded the latest Mozilla milestone, and 
would like to try it under linux. However, I cannot figure out how to install 
it. There appear to be no files that "run" when clicked on, even though i 
downloaded the version "with installer". Help?

3) System clock. Every time I reboot, my clock gets all screwed up. I reset 
it, and it's fine until I reboot again, but then it's off by a few hours. 

Thanks alot in advance! I'm really liking KDE, but I need to know more about 
how software and the file system works before I can be happy with it.


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