Hey Paul,

> I am trying to load Mandrake 7.2 but it doesn't seem
> to be able to identify my hard disk. The booklet
> mentions Mandrake can partition the HD during
> installation. When booting the mandrake CD I get the
> response 'hda: no response (reseting drive)'. It then
> goes through the installation but fails when it
> reaches the partitioning stage.

  I had the same problem with different hardware with both RH
6.0 (which had come pre-installed by Dell, & with LM7.2).  As it
turns out, Dell had installed on some dos partitioned extended
drive only W2k could read & format.  You might get a hold of a
W2k CD, reformat the drive & try again.  That'll probably do it.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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